Tuesday 25 September 2012

Sled's Dead Baby

Sleds are deffinatly not dead, in fact a few that came out to enjoy the sun in the gong this past weekend looked like they had just risen from the crypt!

And thats the way we like them!

It was a wonderful day down the coast this past weekend, while many of the kiddies were enjoying bondi and various other sydney beaches on what was one of this seasons hottest day, we, and a few other like minded enthusiasts headed down to Stanwell Park for the inagural 'Tug In The Park' show.

Bikes, customs, rats, beatniks, lowriders and customs were all present at the show.

Being postponed from the beginning of the year tunded out to be a success as the chrome and patina soaked up the early spring sun.

To be honest, we didnt really know what we were expecting, being tug in the park virgins, we were sort of just expecting a couple rods and bikes turn up and thats about it.

How wrong we were! It was a raging success and you can guarantee the team will be back next year.

It feels good being back in the saddle and covering another show for you guys, Its been a long few weeks since we last posted but rest assured that it was for the best. 

We here at HQ have been working on a few events for those of you in the canberra region, including a charity get together for Movember, deets will come in thick and fast when i get back from hols in the next few weeks so stay tuned.

Again, thanks to the ever wonderful Chelsey Kosalka for her mad photog skills!  Also, towards the end of the year we'll be organizing a skid pan day, we are currently looking at a 10 car half day then bbq, though if we get enough interest we'll look at organizing a whole day of fun skid pan tom-foolery, so stay hungry!!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the activities in a different and interesting way. The pictures of cars are really good. Looking forward to updates of your shows.
